Leap.Year 2024
While most years have 365 days, every four years, there’s a leap year of 366 days to. Since leap year happens every four years, our last leap days.

The next one will be in 2028, 2032, and so on. It means there will be an extra day added to the month.
The Solstice Would Have Been At 4:51 P.m.
The next one will be in 2028, 2032, and so on.
Since Leap Year Happens Every Four Years, Our Last Leap Days.
While it is generally known that a leap year occurs every four years, what exactly is a leap year?.
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Leap Years Happen Every Four Years.
This happens every four years, when an extra day, february 29th, is added to the calendar.
From Ancient Civilizations To Modern Calendars, Discover The Evolution Of This.
As we enter 2024, an additional day has been added to our calendars, making it a leap year.